Parking a fifth wheel camper can be challenging for beginners. That’s because handling these towable RVs isn't the same as how you would tackle a passenger car or a pickup truck. Backing up a fifth wheel requires patience and reversing skills, and you want to practice both to get your moves right.

If you have recently purchased a fifth wheel or plan to get one soon, this handy guide can help you hone your fifth wheel parking skills. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact S&S Apache.

Know Your Space

Before you start parking your fifth wheel camper, you want to ensure you know the exact measurements of your campsite or driveway. Measure both length and width to ensure you have enough room for your entire towing setup. You should also measure the height of any overhanging trees or power lines that may be in the way. This will help you avoid any unexpected surprises while maneuvering your vehicle.

Take It Slow

Another thing to remember when parking your fifth wheel is to take it slow. Don't try to rush through the process—take your time and focus on reversing the vehicle. If possible, have a spotter give you real-time feedback on how close you are getting to objects around you or where your wheels are. This will help ensure nothing gets damaged while attempting to park your fifth wheel.

Use Visual Cues

You can also use visual cues when parking in tight spaces or on narrow roads. Look for landmarks such as street signs, fire hydrants, trees, etc., and use them as reference points as you maneuver into position.

You also want to consider that the hitch connecting your fifth wheel and truck bed will cause the setup to angle itself rather than be straight. This means your RV will move in the opposite direction of your steering wheel. Try to park in a spot with plenty of room to maneuver your vehicle safely.

Parking a fifth wheel doesn't have to be intimidating—you want to take it slow, watch out before backing up, and practice your skills before hitting the road. If you have more questions or are still in the market for a fifth wheel, visit S&S Apache. You will find us in Jackson, MS, proudly serving those from Vicksburg and Meridian—so swing by today.