If you thought that RVs were just for camping trips, we’re here to open your mind to all the possibilities these vehicles offer! RVs are a home away from home, and as long as you have a vehicle with towing capabilities, you can take your RV anywhere! Think of all the fun adventures in store for RV owners, such as:

Follow a Concert Tour 

Have a favorite band? Are they going on tour? Follow them! They’ve probably booked multiple venues in multiple cities, either around the region or across the country. With an RV, you can follow them along their tour route and visit an incredible amount of cities and locations across the country. Your RV will allow you to have the experience of a lifetime, where you can make memories at all the local hot spots and catch multiple shows of your favorite band on an incredible journey.


Do you love antiquing? It’s a fun hobby that you can enjoy in both major cities and smaller towns. Some places even have dedicated antiquing communities with events that happen throughout the season. If this is something you’re interested in, then map out some spots to visit and make an entire antiquing trip! You can use the extra storage space in your RV to purchase some truly incredible antiques and bring them home with a treasure trove of memories along with the collectibles. 

Go on a Fishing Trip

Taking your RV and heading out for a long fishing trip is a great way to enjoy the fishing season. Instead of trying to squeeze in fishing time on the weekend, or after a long day at work, you can plan for a cost-effective, easy-to-enjoy fishing trip in your RV. An RV gives you all the room you need to store your supplies and keep your fish cold in the freezer. Plus, you’ll get an inexpensive, comfortable place to sleep every night, at no additional cost!

There are endless possibilities for adventure with your own RV. So, what are you waiting for? Visit S&S Apache in Jackson, Mississippi. We proudly serve those in Vicksburg, Meridian, and surrounding areas.